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Hello Papa
Well hello Papa
How are you my sweet Papa
I took the time
To send you a song
My sweet Papa you deserve it
You are the greatest Papa
Yes the greatest Papa
The greatest Papa In the world
I'm sure you know
That I love you so
Because you're my sweet Papa
I will always love you
You know it's so true
To have a Papa like you
Is a gift straight from Heaven
One I thank God for
And one that I could never do without
I'm sure you know
That I love you so
Because you're my sweet Papa
Hello Papa
Well hello Papa
How are you my sweet Papa
I took the time
To send you a song
My sweet Papa you deserve it
You are the greatest Papa
Yes the greatest Papa
The greatest Papa In the world
I'm sure you know
That I love you so
Because you're my sweet Papa
I will always love you
You know it's so true
To have a Papa like you
Is a gift straight from Heaven
One I thank God for
And one that I could never do without
I'm sure you know
That I love you so
Because you're my sweet Papa
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